Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Employment...Is Hard

I need a job! Really! Normally, I'd stick it out with this job search but it isn't getting any easier. Or brighter, for that matter. I've flagged down about 5 possible jobs on Craiglist and applied to three companies already...but I need money! Cute clothing and pinup girl tattoos don't fund themselves, y'know?

Honestly, I was perfectly fine with my internship position at 99x under Elliott, but then the whole station just folded like a scene out of some bad Lifetime daytime movie and I was left without anything. It was an unpaid internship, so I had no money to hoard in my bank account back then.

I am sooo good at like tons of things but the fact that I'm seventeen for another month means a whole lot of opportunities that will be denied to me...and subsequently will no longer be available once I am.

The obvious answer to my employment (or lack thereof) conundrum is the mall. Yes, it's full of students, part-time-ness, and food courts, but I worked in the mall for 6 months and at the end of it vowed to never set foot in the back room of a mall boutique again.

I'm trying to remain optimistic but this whole "being funded by my mother" thing will never sit right with me. I pride myself on being independent and like very much to make my own money, take care of my shit for myself.

With my jet-setting the fuck out of here to CSUN looming in the back of my head, my window of opportunity for finding a decent job where I can make a good amount of money in a fairly short time (3 months) is slowly closing. I feel like given the chance I could really do well at whatever I set my mind (and paycheck) to, but I just don't have that foot in the door.

Gawd, 18+ jobs are overrated. Just let me waitress now. Promise I won't sneak the booze. Pinky swear. I'd be a great (paid) intern. Just ask my old boss. Professional blogger/writer/
contributor? Dude, my major is magazine journalism. Radio DJ? I interned at a radio station!

Just call...please...I've got the skills, and I'll lie on the application and tax forms. I can be 18 now...or even 21! I'm flexible!

Your (broke as a joke) electric bird,